Ready.Set.Glo!: Business, Brands, & Beauty

Narrowing your Niche with Elizabeth Chappell of Quilters Candy

Mary Harcourt Season 1 Episode 27

Elizabeth is a Minnesota-born girl living in Texas with her husband and 3 kids. If she could tell her 13-year-old self she was a quilter, she would have laughed in disbelief! However, a few years ago she discovered how cool quilting (and having a business in quilting) really is! 

Now Elizabeth designs fabric, writes quilt patterns, and helps other creatives learn how to grow their own successful careers.

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Mary Harcourt  0:05 
Hi, and welcome to Ready Set glow, a podcast where I interview entrepreneurs, brands and idealist, people and the stories behind it all. Discover what it took to get started, lessons learned along the way, and the advice they have for you starting on your own journey. So join me and my guests as we talk about all things business, beauty and brands. I'm your host, Mary Harcourt of Cosmo glow, as we discover the stories behind the names. Elizabeth is joining us on today's episode, we're going to talk about finding your niche and she is very much into the quilters world. And even if you're not, it's okay, you can pull a lot from today's episode, we talk about her entrepreneurial journey, picking up a new skill, she started a subscription box and then phased it out to offer digital assets that was much more scalable for her from an English degree to a school teacher to realizing she enjoyed fabric designing that turns into two courses and being able to help others take their passion and do more with it as a career. There's a little nugget of information in here on how to build a mailing list and so much more. I hope you enjoy today's episode.

Elizabeth Chappell  1:23 
Well, thank you so much for having me. I'm excited to be here. And yeah, I'm excited to dive into it. We talk about there's power in the niche. And I feel like I'm the poster child for that. Because it's this niche that people are like, I'm sorry, you do what, for what you know. And generally when people ask, what do you do I answer and say I'm a fabric designer. And honestly, that's like the smallest tidbit of what I do. It's the most the least lucrative thing that I do. But it's what people understand. They're like, Oh, you Oh, that's really cool. I'm like, Uh huh, yeah. But what longer, you know, podcast, what do I do? I designed quilt patterns. I have an online membership for quilters. And then I teach other people. So I here I've turned this craft into a career. And there's a lot of people in this quilting industry who want to do the same thing. So I teach them to do what I've done. So that's in a nutshell, the things that I do.

Mary Harcourt  2:25 
Interesting. Well, okay, so I'm so intrigued because my grandparents used to quilt and so when I think of quilt theme, I feel like it's kind of a very outdated thing. Is that just my own ignorance? Is it like alive and well and stronger than ever?

Elizabeth Chappell   2:40 
Yeah, you're not alone. You are not alone in that. In fact, when I tell people anything quilting, I quilt, they're like, Oh, my grandma does that. I'm like, Uh huh. Yep. Yep. So I literally grandma comes out a lot when I bring up quilting. But I grew up where my mom quilted. And I was like, That is not for me not interested. And it wasn't until I had a good friend who I live in Houston and her she lived here in Houston. And her mom would come to Houston every year, there's this big Quilt Market. And her mom came to this Quilt Market. And they would say, Oh, she's going to market and the second year she came I was like, What is this Quilt Market? What does your mom do? And she said, Well, she designs fabric for quilter. So I was like, Can I tag along to this Quilt Market and just see what what this is all about. And when I went to this Quilt Market, I was blown away by one that this I studied, I study I'm like entrepreneur, right? I study all these things, what to do for a successful business. To one you want to find a niche. And I was like, Whoa, this is a niche like this is as niched as you can get and there's a lot it's a billion dollar industry, you know, multiple billions. And then I was seeing all the cool fabric and the younger audience that was there. I was like, wait a minute, this isn't just like what my mom does. This is very relevant and hip and at that time, I was trying to do a fashion blog. And so I was blown away by how on trend and cool and fashionable this was. So then my friend and I, you know, we had been talking before the saying we should do a business together, we should start a business Oh, we should start a makeup line. We should do that. And when we left that I was like, why are we not doing something in the quilting industry like this is exactly what we want a niche we haven't in your mom is in this industry. So we started a subscription box for quilters and that's how I got started with quilting. So we started a subscription box. And I was like well, I guess I better learn how to quilt if I'm gonna have a product that's in the quilting industry. So she taught me how to quilt and it just snowballed from there.

Mary Harcourt  4:56 
And you're seeing Okay, now I'm just even more intrigued because SS scription by ox, how long have you had that, that's kind of a newer idea of how to do business as well.

Elizabeth Chappell 5:04 
So I actually don't do that anymore. We started the company, it was called quilters candy box. And we call it that because it you know, like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. And so it'd be like a candy box every month where you get a treat, and there will be treat like something that you eat in there. And so in 2016, we started the subscription box, I want to say a year later, my business partner moved out of the state. And so then I was like, Oh, this is a lot, I was at capacity with what I could do, and storing and packing to grow my business, every dollar earned was more time spent. And I was like, There's got to be a better way. And so I switched to a digital membership, where I would do the same amount of work, every new client did not equal more work for me. And I really liked the digital membership idea. And then also I was learning, I was making more quilts, and I was using people's quilt patterns. And my mind worked that way. I was like, Oh, I have ideas for patterns. This is another one of those areas that I feel like I could do. And I write this pattern and put it out there as a PDF form. And my work is done. And I can earn money forever and ever and ever on this one product, and I don't need to work anymore. So, so I started doing that, and I dropped the box, I changed the name to quilters candy and dropped the box. And so I didn't have a box anymore that I was doing. That makes sense. I mean, boxes are so much work. And it's a lot of logistics

Mary Harcourt  6:28 
and getting them filled. And then also making sure that it's new, which sounds cute and all when you start the process, but I don't know how long you had it after a couple of years, I would think it just gets harder and harder each month to come up with these new ideas to attract new people that are interested in the box. Like they seem like a lot of work to me. So I can totally understand the transition to digital would be much easier to maintain. So when you say you're a fabric designer, is that like the stuff I see online where you can print your cat on socks? Or is it more complicated than that?

Elizabeth Chappell   7:01 
Yeah, it's more complicated than that. So it's really graphic design. So I will draw or paint and then I scan that, bring it into Adobe Illustrator, and color it, you know, tweak it, make it a repeating pattern so that you can print you could print it on wallpaper on a notebook on anything. I just happen to print it on fabric. So are there a lot of people that do this, and no one talks about it? Or is it like really a kind of hidden gem, it is actually a pretty big industry. It's called surface pattern design. That's like the technical name for it because you're designing all sorts of surfaces. Like when you go into anthropology and you see their mugs, or their plates or their notebooks, those are surface pattern designers. And frankly, one day I'd love to have my designs in anthropology. That's like a goal. So there are a lot of people it's probably just less known less talked about, and then you get into quilting fabric. That's definitely much more niche. But within the quilting world, it's pretty prestigious, because there's not a lot of fabric designers. And so the the ones that are there, it's like, oh, that's so cool. Even though like I said, That's not where you're going to earn your most money. It's just kind of prestigious and cool. Well, it

Mary Harcourt  8:15 
sounds like you've kind of had a hand in it all. You have digital. You have we'll talk about this later. But you have some courses, your social media has exploded. What do you feel kind of brought you your social media

Elizabeth Chappell   8:26 
exposure? For one? I'm shamelessly like, I'm not shy about reaching out to people. So yeah, I do have courses and I'll teach students and they'll ask, Well, how do I do this? How do I get that? I'm like, Well, you reach out to these people and you pitch it. I have a student for example, once you said I feel like I'm trying to do a giveaway and I feel like I'm asking someone to prom and getting rejected over and over again. And I was like, Okay, what are you sending? Send me or DM and let me take a look at it. And the wording of it. I was like, oh, okay, yeah, matters how you word these things. So let me tweak this and rewrite it for you. And she sent it out and was like, oh, okay, that worked. So I guess I'm an English major. So having some good writing skills has helped, you know, to know how to like write so that it resonates with people and then shamelessly reaching out to people and not and I have a little fire under me if someone says no. Or if someone says like, when I first said I want to write quote patterns. I had a friend who was like, that's actually really difficult. I don't that's I don't know that. You can't just like do that. And that motivated me. So when people tell me no, I'm like, oh, no, but I will. I absolutely will. So I guess it's competitive. I don't know what you'd call that but defiant maybe. Well, that's an entrepreneur spirit, which you answered my question. I was gonna say did you go to school for this?

Mary Harcourt  9:44 
Like, are you an art major? Or are you are you always more into business? And now you talk about your writing. So you were an English major. So where did it all start? Was it when you went to the large gathering? Was that kind of the first inkling or were you quilting before this?

Elizabeth Chappell   9:58 
Oh, no, no, I was not quilting and Fact, I learned to quilt, maybe right after we sent our first box because, again, studying it was like you need to be sincere about the niche that you're in. So it was like the chicken or the egg. The egg came first, the chicken, you know. So I learned how to quilt on my first quilt. It was blood, sweat and tears. I mean, I was crying. I picked myself with a needle and was bleeding. And I was like, no one really must like this, that you've got to be kidding me. And it was the second quilt that I made more out of necessity. Like, just stick with this, you've really got to learn how to do this that I caught the bug and was like, Oh, I actually really loved this and I don't want to stop so. Kinda.

Mary Harcourt  10:41 
Yeah, it's connecting a few dots like you're getting a you're being able to use your English you're naturally a creative person. You have the entrepreneur whether you knew it or not inside you that drive. What did you do before this?

Elizabeth Chappell   10:54 
Yeah, I mean, as far as the entrepreneur spirit goes, looking back it's very obvious that I had that like as a little kid I would go is disgusting. But I took scope, toothpaste know crest crest, toothpaste and water and mixed it in a big metal bucket, and went door to door in my neighborhood as a kid and sold mouthwash with like a big ladle. That's disgusting. But you know, a few people were like, oh, okay, here's, you know, 50 cents. Thanks. Do you want some? No, I'm good. So and I was always I worked random jobs growing up. Even after I got married, and I decided to stay home with my kids, I started a tutoring business. I knew I wanted to write a book, I started writing books. I taught lifeguarding lessons. I mean, I just was always trying to earn a buck. And then not just that, but like, what's the most efficient way I can do this? How could I do this on my own and start my own thing. So that entrepreneurial spirit was always there. I just didn't, I don't know that I recognize that.

Mary Harcourt  11:58 
I think that's okay. I mean, I'm same thing I bartended for decades of my life, while always being a spa until I just decided to buy my own spa. And then even from there, that was a whole journey and lesson that led me to where I'm at Cosmo glow. But looking back, same thing as you, I always had it in me just going forward. I just felt like I could never find the thing that made me light up until I found it. So I think that's how a lot of entrepreneurs start. And honestly, I don't even know if you study entrepreneurship in school, if it gives you the same drive of going through life, and landing on something that intrigues you and running to run with it.

Elizabeth Chappell  12:35 
I don't I mean, I would never tell my kids this. But I feel like you don't even need a college degree, you know, to be successful, like it really comes down to your scrappiness and being able to be resourceful and just figure the thing out, again, I wouldn't tell my kids like don't go to college kids, you'll be just fine, you know, do go to college, but but I feel like you can totally make it without that degree. And I know a lot of people who have totally made it and they never went to college. And they struggled with mindset, a bit of like, but I don't deserve this. I never got a degree or something like that. You know,

Mary Harcourt  13:11 
it is really fascinating. When you talk to people who sometimes went to school, I know so many nurses that went to school did it for a year. And they're like, Yeah, that's not for me. And now they're doing something else where it's like, you spent so much on school, to not follow up. But that's fine. And make sure you're happy doing what you do every day. And then entrepreneurs, I never went to school, I could never figure out what interested me enough to dedicate the years and the time and the ink, the funds to it. And in a long, roundabout way, eventually I fell into the those correct situation I've been in. But then sometimes you do talk to people that went to school. And it's like, damn, I wish I have that kind of education at your age. So it's just different for everyone.

Elizabeth Chappell  13:54 
It is well and I have a couple of friends who went to school to study art, and they have a bachelor's in art. And they see some artists out there who never got a degree and they're having more success with their business. And there's a little chip on their shoulder like but they didn't even study it. So I don't know where this idea I feel like with the future, it might shift a little bit but this putting it on a silver platter that it's so desirable to get a college degree. And I feel like I can say that because I have a college degree and I'm like, oh, you know? Yes, it was great, but I don't know.

Mary Harcourt  14:30 
Anyhow, that's it. Now it's an interesting pattern. I feel like our parents generation, they wanted all their kids to have college degrees, but then all of those kids wouldn't got college degrees and it was really hard to find a job even with a college degree. And then not that many people were doing these unique little niche things are trade schools and now you can go to a trade school graduate in less than a year with very little funds and be earning as much as someone that did go to school because there's so few people in these two trade schools and so many people with a college education at the table kind of turned a little bit I feel I just had this discussion the other day, like there's still please, if you're a doctor go to school, like there's still some fields of education that you you have to go to school, you can't just figure it out along the way, end up with the same education. But other things.

Elizabeth Chappell  15:20 
One trade school too, you don't have this huge debt, you know, for paying for years and years of school. I think trade school is a great route for people to go that I feel like should become a more of a highlight in our culture and society. And I think you're going to start to see that

Mary Harcourt  15:34 
as there were so many people that went to college and really kind of sit in the sidelines sometimes and go, I didn't even use my degree, any of you might use my education, do yourself a favor. That's what happened to me. I wanted to go to pharmacy school. And now I can never even imagine counting pills all day in a white jacket in an office setting. I just am way too creative for that. And my boyfriend that I did it at the time was like why don't you at least go to a trade school so you can earn more money for when you go to this pharmacy school. And I was like, well, that's a great idea. And then I went to hair school and it was like it was so creative. And instant gratification like your to bring your client in, they ask for something an hour and a half later, they leave smiling that you gave it to them. And I got so addicted to that. And it really stayed with me the whole way through my career. Because for me, I love I'm creative person and I'm artistic. I just love seeing it. I'm a visual learner. Now I look at I don't even know, I probably would have never made it through college, I probably would have dropped out. So in your process of now coming on this amazing journey where you're at what are some of the skills that you feel like you have grown that are really helpful in your entrepreneur journey?

Elizabeth Chappell  16:44 
One thing that I have in my favorite that up until this point in my life, I viewed more as a negative in my life. It's that I think and I jump, I call it read instead of Ready, Aim Fire. It's ready fire aim, that I think of something. Yeah, let's do it. I jump in. I'm like, Whoa, what about how do I do this? Hold on, you know, and that has really hit me in the butt a lot in my life. And I also I don't know if it's like ADHD and attentive or what, but I wait until the last minute for everything. And no matter what I'm like, Oh, I've got time. Nope, I wait until and that that deadline pushes me. And for whatever reason those have both really worked in my favor. I'm like, I want to have a course on this. All right, let's just do it. Let's put it out there. I'm gonna have this and then I figured out okay, wow, I've put it out there. People are paying for this, let's let's put this together. And so I just kind of I don't overthink things. I'm not a perfectionist at all I'm very open about well, in an ironic I'm an English major, my spelling is horrendous. It's a thing like I don't, I'm not a good speller. And it's gotten to the point now where I'll tell my class, I have a whole module saying I know of spelling isn't my thing, what not if, but when you catch my spelling mistakes, just send it my way, I would love that, and I'll go and fix it. And so just embracing the fact that I'm not perfect. And being very real about who I am. But I like that I like I appreciate that with others and and when I'm telling you something, you can trust that what I'm sharing is true, because I'm not hiding who I am or what I bring to the table, what you see is what you get. And then I've also learned that it's okay, if people aren't happy with my product, it says more about them than me. And it helps to have enough happy customers to know that when there's someone who's not happy that it's not the product, you know, and that or maybe it's just not the right product for them at this time. So there's some confidence that comes with time and clientele, you know, and getting testimonials and seeing the fruits of your

Mary Harcourt 18:50 
work, if you will. Yeah, I agree with all of that. I call it like cannon balling into the world of the unknown. Like, I know nothing about what it will take, but I'm going full force. And I also think that's what makes it all work sometimes not being a perfectionist. I teach this in classes where you can sit on the sidelines and try and get all the pieces together and put the puzzle together make it fit. But by the time you get all the pieces to fit the puzzle move because you waited so long, like just start start messy. Start not knowing where the endpoint is start not having all the answers, but just get started because the rest will fall into place. And then you get moving on this momentum and you're in it. And now, like you said, I have spelling errors. That's great. It's way easier to circle spelling error in your class than it is to write out 12 modules. You've already got the hard part done, who cares about a spelling error that can be fixed in a day. A lot of times

Elizabeth Chappell  19:44 
we we being people who want to start a business or put things out there. We look at people's where they are now. So for example, Jenna Kutcher she's one of the very first podcast that I listened to she's like, you know, I love or admire her and And a couple years ago, I Googled something. And it was one of Jenna Kutcher, his very first webinars. And it was like the, someone had written down her wording or her email. And it was a little sloppy and rough. And it was because it was her very first one ever. And it was the most wonderful gift I found online. I was like, Oh, she started out to you know, we see her now and where she is now. She was not always there. And so for us to think we're going to jump and start where they are now after years of trial and error and Oopsy daisy, you know, it's ridiculous, but it's very validating to know even the people who we love and really admire started off a little rough. Then it gives us permission to like, Okay, I don't need to be perfect right out of the gate. I can learn as I go.

Mary Harcourt  20:47 
Absolutely. I love that. I mean, the realness stories to me are they mean everything I love a good realness story. I was listening to who does Wheel of Fortune now. Steve Harvey. Have you ever heard his story of how he got started? Okay, it's like, I'm gonna, I'm gonna butcher it. You guys got to Google this, it was a YouTube video. It's like an eight minute long video, which is normally longer than I would ever watch. But it's so fascinating. So he had been a stand up comedian. I had no money, literally, I don't know if he had a home or he didn't think he was living out of his car, but don't quote me on that. And he just said a prayer to guy like, God, if this is the career I'm supposed to be, and you gotta do better than this, like, I need a sign. And somebody had called him and said, I think he was in Miami, Florida at the time and said, If you can get to New York, by Saturday, we can put you on the midnight, Saturday night gig on the mainstage at like, I'm gonna butcher this to really famous stage. And he said, That's great. And he didn't have money for gas. So how is he going to get to New York when he couldn't even afford to drive there? And then another phone call said, Hey, what are you doing tomorrow night, I have two spots for you at the club in Florida that pays you 150 bucks. So he was like, oh my god, I just got two spots that pay me my gas to get to New York. So he did the two spots got paid, drove to New York showed up there. And after that gig, and his was way more inspirational, but after that gig, they signed him on and that particular club had had so many owners over a period of years, like 3030 managers, but they keep getting better jobs. And he stuck with it for so long. He perfected his craft. And from there, he got an offer to be a TV host. And he was just telling this whole story of like, I got to a call that I couldn't make it happen but like God provided for me for the two calls before to be able to make it happen. So sometimes you can get you don't know the answer, but you know where you want to be. And if you can listen to the signs and take the opportunities there is a bigger picture that you are meant to be in destined to be and it was so touching. Everyone's gonna go Google it because I'm butchering it.

Elizabeth Chappell  22:57 
Oh, I feel that I love that story that we don't have to figure out the how we just go in lean into what your you feel drawn to do, you know, and things have a way of working out. They have I mean, if you

Mary Harcourt  23:09 
have the drive in you, and you know you want to get it done, it will get done. So let's talk about your courses. What are your courses about? You have two of them?

Elizabeth Chappell   23:17 
Yeah, so the one that is going right now it's a quilt pattern writing course. And that again, it's so interesting, the niche that's by far my most successful course. I I thought maybe my other one would be because it appeals to a broader audience. But no, no, no, the niche is a real thing, the power of the niche. So yeah, I just I teach people how to write their own quilt patterns and how to sell them with success. And then the other course that I teach, it's called craft to career. And that's just generally how to turn your craft into a career and have success with that. And like I said, I thought that would be way more successful because broader audience know well, you also have a podcast

Mary Harcourt  23:59 
with the same name crop craft a career which I was listening to earlier. Great name, such a good play on words. So one of them I was listening to was how to build a mailing list. Can you share some tips for our listeners, because most of them are business owners, or at least in a service based industry where the more we can build our mailing lists, the better we can keep that traction and new clients and current clients and all everybody coming through the doors. What are some tips you have for growing an email list?

Elizabeth Chappell 24:27 
Yeah, one of the things that I like to think about most when I am talking about building an email list one before you even start building an email list know what you sell know what, why you want an email list and what you're targeting, you know, because if you're like, well, I could sell bread, but also handmade soap and shampoo. Like that's confusing not only for you but your customer. So get very, very specific and what you offer and narrow down to what your one main product is going to be the To offer as opposed to like, well, I want to sell five different things. And I can say this very confidently, if you can just lean in to the idea of selling one thing, you will have more success. And then once you figure out what your main thing is, so let's say they want to sell shampoo, we'll just go with that they want to sell shampoo. Then think about what you think of your customer on a journey. And they are on a path. And their goal is your goal is to get them on a path to buy your shampoo. What do they need in order to to get your shampoo, what's going to be before on the trail before the shampoo? One, it's going to be realizing that their hair is dirty to recognizing that they have to buy shampoo, three, what's unique about this shampoo, why would they want it so you could come up with a freebie that is a list of top 10 ways to know that you're getting the right shampoo. So you're helping your customer figure out what product is right for them, and then guide them to your product. So they're gonna go and download this freebie. That's like, Well, yeah, how do I know if the shampoo is right for me? Do I need I don't even know the terms paraben free. I don't even know if that's a food thing or what but do I need this kind of shampoo? You know, what, what am I looking for? If I have super curly hair, what do I need? Or if I have really straight hair, if I color hair, gray hair, you know, what kind of shampoo is right for me? Oh, cool, there's a guide, that will tell me that you email them that guide. And then you have like three emails that you're gonna send out one you deliver the thing that you promised you deliver. But then you keep teaching them now you know that this is the kind of shampoo you need. Guess what? I've got it right here for you. And I even have a discount or whatever, you know. So delivering something of value to your ideal customer. That's a lot. There's a lot there that I just unpackaged. But there you go. I mean,

Mary Harcourt  26:57 
what a great answer and very complete. So I'm all about it. I love that answer in your in your journey of entrepreneurship, where you started and where you are. Now, what were some of the hard lessons you you came across the our cheese, the things that didn't feel good, but you're stronger for it. Now, at first,

Elizabeth Chappell   27:14 
I worried a lot about the money over the customer. And I'm embarrassed to admit that. But like with my box, if someone I don't know, let's say they lived in Australia, and they ordered a box and it got lost in the mail, I was very hesitant to send them a replacement box because that would eat into my charge or whatever, you know how much I got, I definitely learned the hard way that it's way more important to just do right by your customers and take care of them. And you can sniff out real quick the people who are taking advantage of you. So if your fear is like but what if people take advantage me know, you'll know really fast? If they are or not. But if you have a customer who's potentially disappointed with whatever, just do what you can to make it right. And don't you will more than compensate for that financially in the long run. So that would be a lesson I guess. Yeah,

Mary Harcourt  28:07 
it's true. And I almost feel like you gotta take it with a grain of salt, there is always going to be someone out there trying to get one over on you. And they will. But don't let that one individual case or that percentage of people overshadow how happy your customers are, and how great your services and everything that you provide is so good. There's just, there's some bad eggs out there. So what is next for you? What do you see on the horizon? What would you love to grow this to?

Elizabeth Chappell 28:35 
I'm really excited right now about the idea of focusing on the fabric design, and just coming out with two fabric collections a year and a couple of new patterns when those are released. And then I also am looking at in 2020 for adding a business coaching aspect of what I offer. I have alumni and people who reach out, Hey, can I hire you for business coaching? So I'm figuring out what that's going to look like. And I'm excited to offer that as well. So there will always be the education part because it turns out, I'm an educator at heart, which turns out as a Sagittarius thing, I'm not super into that. But I just found out I'm a Sagittarius and that that's the thing is we're teachers, so teaching and then that creative aspect as

Mary Harcourt  29:18 
well. I love that. I mean, did you ever feel like you wanted to be a teacher when you were an English major? Did that ever parallel? Yeah, yeah, I actually taught English for a year in a middle school in downtown Houston. It was very rough. So that was not for me, but I like this kind of teaching. But it's interesting how you kind of fall into the right rhythm that's for you where you knew you wanted to be a teacher but that environment was not it. And now you took something that you enjoy your crafting and quilting and even just networking and sharing your knowledge especially through a podcast and tie that all into one where you are teaching and improving other people's lives so fulfilling for you and then also having the creative outlet. So what are some advice for other entrepreneurs?

Elizabeth Chappell   30:01 
Yeah, I think one of the biggest tips that I can give, is to really work on the mindset. One of the biggest things, if not the biggest thing that stops people from having success is the fear of not having success of, of impostor syndrome, not feeling worthy. And so we kind of touched on that earlier. But, you know, if you can meditate or just self positive talk, surround yourself with people who can lift you up, there is success and in abundance, you know, like, there, it's out there for the taking. And it's just a matter of accepting that and believing that. And so if you start to get in a rut, or the comparison trap, which we all fall into, at some point or another, if you can have the wherewithal to like pick yourself up and cut out the things that are making you feel negative. I mean, so much of the success is in the mental game. And so to really focus on improving that however you can, I think half

Mary Harcourt  31:00 
the battle is just committing to it, pull it, going for it just jumping in unknowingly. And the other half is even if you don't think you can just do it. And maybe it doesn't come out the first or second or third time, but you're going to be so much closer to figuring out that eventually it's going to work than sitting on the sidelines going I'm just too scared to try so I'm not gonna do it. Well, you've been such a great guest. Where can people go to find you with all the you offer your courses, podcasts? You're this little niche that I've never heard of until today. So if you're into quilting or designing, where can they everyone find you?

Elizabeth Chappell  31:38  
I'm mostly on Instagram, and the Instagram handle is at quilters underscore candy. And then my website is quilters. And if you want to hear more of the podcast craft a career, it's you know, wherever you find podcasts, it's called craft your career.

Mary Harcourt  31:53  
That wraps up today's episode. For more information on our guests. You can find them at Mary under the episodes tab. You can always find me on Instagram at Mary Harcourt underscore and at the Cosmo glowlight I hope you enjoyed today's episode and many more to come

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